Part 91: Daybreak's Bell (Part 1)

The Ptolemy is still out in space. Crowe reports on how rough it's been out here.

This time it's just a single chime.


The girls want to tell their managers they're okay; Setsuna won't say who he wants to contact, but it's somebody. Lockon's not here to talk to anyone; "some people you can't get in touch with even if you want to," he says cryptically. Crowe assures him that he'll be able to once the world has peace again.
Crowe also mentions that the other snipers have been worried about Lockon's performance now that he's got an eye out. He, of course, knows that it's not going to stop Lockon from fighting, so he's just going to leave it at this: "don't be stupid."
Right now, though, they've got to get to the Quarter, where GOONZ is celebrating their victories thus far and the one step they have left...

I mean, all we have left to do is take out the Imperium, and the UNF and their GN-Xs have already got them against the ropes. Celestial Being may have assumed the mole leaked those fake GN Drive plans for their own benefit, but it looks like they really are fighting for world peace.
The question is whether we're even capable of defeating Gaioh, at least to Rossiu, but the answer he gets back in chorus is: we will win. We're stronger than we were back then, we've got ZEUTH and GOONZ working together, and we're on the same side as the brave soldiers fighting all over the world. ZEUTH still hopes to get back home, of course, but not a one of them isn't determined to fight as GOONZ nonetheless - to save this world, and honestly, because they've got a serious problem with Ime Liard. He's one of the Imperium, though, so we can just subdue him while we're sinking it. (For a moment, Kappei admits he'll miss Watta, but he misses his family and friends - and Aki - more.)

Speaking of Ime Liard, Holland's working for him in the hopes of triggering a quake and recreating the Agony of Doha. To be honest, Renton may not have served too long a term with the Gekko, but he still sort of misses them. Renton and Gainer tell him not to worry about it. They'll surely cross paths with Holland on their way to the Imperium as well, but until then, we'll all focus on the fight ahead of us.

It's not a party without the music though! As always, Sheryl's music lifts the GOONZ' spirits and focuses their drives, but Ozma insists he prefers Fire Bomber, a legend of a rock band from another Macross, over all else. The funny thing about the legend is how it ends: the band just stopped one day and that was it. It hasn't stopped them from inspiring Ozma, right down to the names of all his squad maneuvers. ("Still obsessing over them?" mutters Cathy.)

Ranka's up after Sheryl, and that brings us back to the fact that her dad used to sing her Aimo. She has no idea where he could have learned it (long, long before Ranka made her debut though), but Simon plans to go digging into the Dark Continent after the war. They'll let her know if they find anything out about her song.

That very Aimo is up next; it's a very different atmosphere from Sheryl. The peaceful music gets GOONZ thinking of what they'll do when the world's at peace. Duo and the other Gundam pilots were going to return to the fight for colonial independence, but Elgan Roddick is a step ahead, already setting up talks between the Colonies' rulers and administrators. Still, they'll be standing ready in case the talks go south, all the while hoping for the best.
And the Black Knights? Zero hasn't forgotten that the world war is only a more pressing matter between him and his own goal to liberate Japan. He's prepared for Celestial Being to come after his Knights, but maybe destroying armaments is still on their radar or maybe not. So their goal is to make themselves Public Enemy Number One? It's still Zero's best guess, but they won't say one way or another.
Whatever happens, Lockon feels one thing for sure: if the whole world could be a little more like GOONZ, working together for common goals despite their varied origins and methods, the world would be a slightly nicer place. Idealistic, says Zero - but it's best for people to spend their lives in the service of ideals, anyway.

Heero knows exactly who Setsuna was sending a message to...

Crowe and Lockon break them up though. This is a party! It's no place for that heavy stuff! It's time to smile and enjoy! "I think that's the hardest mission yet for these two," quips Duo. Well, at least it's true that there's no need for Heero to rush his answer.

Mostly, Setsuna just keeps seeing a shadow of his own former self in Heero - himself back in the KPSA. Lockon says he's different now - he, and Celestial Being, are fighting for something greater...

Chapter 48: Daybreak's Bell

The Earth is in sight, and we can see both moons, too. It seems the Dark Moon has always been surrounded by an impenetrable dimensional barrier. Hmm. But the barrier could always go away, like the one around the Dark Continent did.
Oh, and there's a group headed for us.

It's the U. N. Forces, and they don't look friendly.

Sergei says we are under arrest for cooperating with terrorists. Whoops! But Sumeragi sees the puppetmaster's hand in all this...

GOONZ scrambles; Quattro alone believes that this was Treize's decision. But still, the UNF is prioritizing GOONZ over the Imperium?
There's no point trying to negotiate, but Sumeragi thinks we can break through - and when we get back to Earth, we'll have some questions for Elgan Roddick. This is obviously too convenient to be anything but deliberate - is the one pulling the strings really the Chairman?

No one wants to fight Suzaku, in particular, but he's in no mood to talk.

And Setsuna's will to fight for the world that would treat us like this dips for a moment, but Lockon brings him back. "If the world is twisted, it's our mission to destroy the distortion!"

This chapter will feature special guest Quattro Bajeena in the Turn A.

Oh yeah, and we've just got four turns to crush the whole UNF. It's all good.

Especially since Touga learns Courage.

Another stage with lots of low-level bosses, but this time I'm prepared.

Really, the problem is going to be the huge mass of GN-Xs.

Okay, I should check in.

Tauruses are a couple of hits each. GN-Xs are probably three. Other than that, we're dealing with Suzaku, Jeremiah, Zechs, Noin, Sergei, Soma, and Patrick.

I think I want to just take down Suzaku.

It's cool, I've got like six of those left.

Suzaku drops an Yggdrasill Drive and an apology to Euphemia.

Zero learns Soul. C. C. learns Love.

Anyway, you know what sounds like an awesome idea? Sending Setsuna into a mass of GN-Xs, at the bosses who are also in GN-Xs.

End of turn 2. (I wish there was an easier way to do this.)

a.k.a. the enemy phase where stuff starts dying en masse.

Ooh, Zechs is actually kind of strong.

All hail Orange.

Even if I use Karen in the last mission, I should let Zero get the experience, though.

Although if he keeps taking down these GN-Xs...

Meanwhile, the common GN-Xs are dying out.

Come on, Soma, nothing for me? Maybe Sergei...

Another turn down, time to start seriously worrying about some bosses.

She's not wrong. He might need some help.

He's got both of his Ace bonuses now! And the higher of both of their stats, too.

But I'm going to move my attention back downwards.

And finally,

Zechs drops a Gundamium Armor.

Oh, Noin left too.

There's only one way to finish Orange.

He drops a Spinal Connector.

I like this boss-eliminating spree. Let's see how Setsuna does against Patrick.

Whoops. Patrick drops a Propellant Tank.

I wonder if that'll work on Sergei.


He had an ISC unit.

Uh oh.

Maaan. She healed up and took Focus and Invincible. This always happens. And Setsuna's out of SP, by the way, but he did a lot for us.

At least the Invincible's gone.

Just for perspective, Gurren-Lagann with Valor can't do to a GN-X what Setsuna did (albeit with the extra advantage from Soul).

Anyway, all the generic GN-Xs are down (and by the way, Bobby learns Valor for the Macross Quarter)...

I'm going to leave Pieres right here, though.

Tauruses are down, leaving just Daryl and Pieres.

Just Pieres.

Poor Howard.

In the meantime, I was sure Pieres would go for Allelujah. I'm just going to give it to him, there's time.

She drops a Sniper's Kit.

We may have fought off this wave, but the UNF is supposed to have 30 solar furnaces. We've only seen 19 so far, so there must be more coming. Right?

"You got it!"

Ali slams into the Ptolemaios, hitting its thrusters directly and sending it spiraling into space.

Laughing, he says Setsuna has no time for revenge just as the UNF reinforcements arrive and flies off to chase the runaway ship - to "finish off my prey." Celestial Being peels off to go after the Ptolemy, leaving the rest of us to break through all the Tauruses the hard way. We'll go after them as soon as we're free.

One phase of this chapter is over...

And the game joins Celestial Being as they reach the Ptolemaios. But I'll save this battle for another week.